After reading some comments about the Ebbegarden potentially having negative interactions with hops/bitterness I decided to use the two other strains for this batch. Terje Raftevold's Hornindal Kveik is said to contain non-souring bacteria and a large number of yeast strains and a blend of some of these strains is available (at least in some capacity in Canada) from Escarpment Labs. The Midbust blend comes from Odd H Midtbust in Stordal and is available (possibly?) from Mainiacal Yeast who describe it as having "stone and tropical fruit notes as well as a light smokiness and acidity".
I chose the Pekko hops for this batch due to having some on hand and seeing them used in a few Saison/farmhouse style recipes and otherwise designed the beer to fall in the American Blonde Ale range.
Brew Day: Heated 7.75 gallons untreated water and mashed in at 156F. Added 2 tsp 10% phosphoric acid. Performed a hybrid sparge to collect 6.75 gallons water at 1.038. Added .6 oz Aramis hops after 30 minutes, then boiled another 30 minutes before adding 2 oz. Pekko and whirlpooling down to 100F. Split the batch between two 3 gallon better bottles and pitched the small tube of each yeast. Underpitching is said to be an important aspect of Norwegian brewing and helps the kveik produce esters during fermentation.
12 hours later Terje half showing signs of fermentation, Midtbust half not so much. After 24 hours Terje is reaching high krausen, still no real life from Midtbust.
Midtbust half showing some krausen, Terje still fermenting heavily.
Both beers look about done fermenting after only about 72 hours since pitching.
Midtbust - Gravity down to 1.010. Taste is bright, citrusy, fruity and with just a mild herbal character and a small amount of bitterness that builds after the finish.
Terje - Down to 1.011, very similar to Midtbust but with maybe a touch more herbal/hoppy flavor.
Both beers taste good but I may have overwhelmed the yeast character with the hops.
Kegged both beers and set to 15 PSI at 48F. Both smell very good, still bright and citrusy. The densest/most stable yeast cakes I've ever seen, to the point that it was hard to transfer the yeast to containers for storage. I can see how this would dry well.
Side by side tasting.
Appearance: Cloudy blonde body, looks like a NEIPA. Moderate white head fades fairly quickly but has maybe a touch more head retention than the Terje version.
Smell: Moderate orange peel and pineapple and sweet grainy malt. Some subtle pine, lemon, herbs, and hay.
Taste: Orange peel and pineapple again lead with some cherry and light grainy malt sweetness. The finish is a low but refreshing hoppy bitterness with a lingering herbal character.
Overall: A fairly restrained but enjoyable beer. It goes down easy with enough citrus and hop character to be refreshing and keep me coming back for more. Higher fermentation temperatures and more hops might make for a more interesting beer but enjoyable as is. I don't get any of the acidity or smokiness noted by Mainiacal.
Appearance: Nearly identical to the Midtbust version, with a head that's a touch smaller and fades faster but that could be the glass or pour as much as anything else.
Smell: Again, orange peel is apparent but there is a also a light earthy/funk quality just barely in the mix. Over time I pick up more and more of a processed fruit (fruit snacks/fruit leather) aroma that I've never experienced in a beer. There's a hint of honeysuckle but otherwise no real herbal/hoppy characteristics.
Taste: Rounder and more fruit forward than the Midt version. Again, there's citrus peel but the processed fruit character is somewhat pronounced and fills in the rest of the palate. Less apparent malt graininess and sweetness and less apparent bitterness though it still finishes refreshing with a light lingering herbal character.
Mouthfeel: Feels a touch thicker than the Midtbuster but with similarly low carbonation. This version could definitely use a little more CO2.
Overall: Again a somewhat subdued beer but what's here is good. The 'fruit snack' like character is different from what I've experienced in most beers but might be a bit too strong compared to the other flavors. Overall, a decent and enjoyable but not exceptional blonde-ish ale.